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ENGLISH Version | |
Hamamatsu Volunteer Sightseeing Guide
Group |
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◆Mount Fuji Day Memorial Walk Go around Lake Sanaru We will go aroung Lake Sanaru and leisrely Walk with Volunteer Guide, seeing many Historical Site and Beautiful scenary, and bird watching *Date : 23rd February (Sunday) 9:00~12:00 Rainy etc, back up day :24th February (Monday) *Gathering time : ~9:10 *Application time limit : ~ 13th February *The Meeting Place : Tomitsuka Hanamidai Parking lot REf.: THe Map at North side of Lake Sanaru *When you hope to participate this event, Please send E-mail to address [ mail@hama-svg.jp ] with your telephone number, for the time being the Flyer (English) the Flyer (Japanese/日本語) ※↓Event that are over ◆Kite-flying experience & Photo ![]() in the east of Hamamatsu Festival Pavilion. So, a large number of tourists can experience touch of the thread of kite-flying by oneself. ![]() In addition, we can take a souvenir picture in front of big kites. (by your camera) All of above are free (no charge) Service Date:May 3 to May 5. About 10 to 17 o'clock. 参考:上記:日本語説明 5月3~5日の浜松まつりに当会は、 浜松まつり会館東・芝生広場で凧揚げ体験コーナーを担当し、 外国の方も含め大勢の観光客に 自ら凧揚げの糸の感触を味わっていただき、 また凧の前で記念写真を撮ってさしあげております。 是非どうぞ。 上記は、すべて無料です。 (10時頃~15時頃/雨天中止) Hamamatsu Festiva Web Page in English ◆Special Tour Walking with Hamamatsu Sightseeing Guide ![]() A Special Tour of Places related to Lord Ieyasu, walking with Hamamatsu Volunteer Sightseeing Guide Members ・Starting from JR Hamamatsu Station and Ending at Hamamatsu Castle ・Date: April ~ June, October ~ 24th December.2023 Only Saturday,Sunday and National Holidays ・Reservation are Accepted ・Please Call for More Information Tel 053-458-0191 ・Link to Official Material with Detailed Information ( in Japanese) (家康公ゆかりの地特別ツアー) ========================= NHK Drama (What to do Ieyasu ?) ◆Hamamatsu Taiga Drama Near Hamamatsu Castle PreOpen: 1/22~2/28 Grand open: 3/18~2024.1/14 ![]() Taiga Drama Museum is open at Shusse Park in Hamamatsu castle, |
Group's Main Activities | |||||
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Guide at Hamamatsu Castle // Castle WebSite(Jpn) // Hamamatsu Castle(Eng) (浜松城ガイド) |
Guide at Saigagae Museum (犀ヶ崖資料館) |
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Sightseeing Information at Hamamatsu Station /// *Hamamatsu Sightseeing Information Center (浜松駅観光案内) |
Guide at Hamamatsu Festival Pavilion // Festival Pavilion WebSite(Jap) (まつり会館ガイド) |
Offering Volunteer Sightseeing Guide As an assistant of you who will visit to Hamamatsu or want to know Hamamatsu well, members of our volunteer guide group will guide sightseeing, cultures and history of Hamamatsu. Please, FAX(053-456-1303) to us your request (including Your Name, Date & Time, Where to meet and to visit, Number of Persons, Language for explanation, Your Fax & Telephone number etc), when you want to have our guides. (Free, as a general rule, except our actual expenses like tranportation) (ガイド派遣) |
[EVENT] | |||||
Hamamatsu Festival MAY 3~5 EveryYear Kite-flying experience & Photo |
The mascot character [Successful-Daimyo:Ieyasu-kun] for the memory of Hamamatsu municipal organization for 100th anniversary The Ieyasu Tokugawa built Hamamatsu Castle and accomplished to rule over the whole country after having stayed in the castle for 17 years. Just called as the most successful Daimyo(feudal lord). Now, he was reborn again and came to Hamamatsu city in order to make it the most cheerful town at just the time of 100th aniversary. He like to come down in the castle town and have a lively time of playing merrily, and have brought big hope in the future of Hamamatsu and always support dreams of citizen's town. |
Local specialties(Food-wise) Hamamatsu is most famous for Eel (Unagi)from Lake Hamana etc., and Many Unagi (うなぎ) restaurants can be found all over the city. Hamamatsu has Japan's second-highest per-capita sales of Gyouza (ぎょうざ). Also, many Gyouza restaurants can be found in the city. Prized locally-produced seasonal produce items include Orange(mikan), Melon, Persimmon, White Onion and Strawberry. --Hamamatsu Gyouza(浜松餃子)-- The first peculiarity of Hamamatsu Dumpling is to affix boild bean sprout. Every specialized Gyouza restaurants(shops) did improvement repeatedly to satisfy appetite of Hamamatsu residents and therefore, Gyouza became a peculiar tasting to each shop. In Hamamatsu, there are about 80 shops specialised for Gyouza, and in addition, many chinese restaurants serve Gyouza,also. |
Hamamatsu Castle
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Office 〒430-0946 Hamamatsu-city Naka-ku In Hamamatsu Castle TEL:053-456-1303 Mail: mail@hama-svg.jp |
Hamamatsu Volunteer Sightseeing Guide Group are groups of the people who guide the sightseeing of Hamamatsu such as the history, the culture and industry etc. with heartful mind. |
PROFILE Hamamatsu Volunteer Sightseeing Guide Group was established in 1999 by the first chairman Mr.Noboru Furuhashi and other members. A first training lecture cource was opened in the next year, and many persons attended to it. Total a little over a hundred members are registered at 2017. Now, we are carrying out to guide at Hamamatsu Castle, Saigagake Museum and JR Hamamatsu station everyday, and at Hamamatsu Festival Pavilion for Sunday etc. A kite-flying experience corner at Hamamatsu festival days in May was entrusted to us from City in 2001 and we carry it out every year afterward. As one of the big event, our members attended to site of "Pacific Flora 2004 at Hamana-ko Lake" every day during it's period and did guide about Sightseeing near site to many visitors. We always strive to cooperate to City events etc. and also carry out our planning events. |
Talking with the Mayor Hamamatsu Volunteer Sightseeing Guide Group had a meeting (chat! Yaramaika) for exchange of opinions with the mayor (Mr.Suzuki) of Hamamatsu City. We attended with a uniform "happi" coat and asked him to utilize us more and more for developing sightseeing at Hamamatsu. |
Supporting Activities for Foreigners *Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communications and Exchanges (HICE) Tel: 053-458-2170 *Hamamatsu Sightseeing Information Center Tel: 053-452-1634 |
LINK(INSIDE of this Web) |
Hamamatsu Castle 5 views (浜松城5景/富士・桜・紅葉など) |
LINK(OUTSIDE of this Web) |
Hamamatsu City Official WebSite (浜松市公式HP) |
Hamamatsu Visitors & Convention Bureau (コンベンション・ビューロー) |
International ATM Service (Withdrawals for cards issued abroad) (日本円引き出し) |
International Calls fromPublic Telephones (国際電話) (Nearest International Telephon Boxs from Hamamatsu Station, for 100yen coins Usable・・・Bus Terminal --Ref.) |
Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communications and Exchanges (HICE) (浜松国際交流協会) |
Central Japan Railway Company (JR東海HP) |
JR-Tokaido SHINKANSEN Timetable (東海道新幹線時刻表) |
JR-JAPAN RAIL PASS not for Nozomi・Mizuho (レールパス/海外発行JR乗車引換券) |
JR-Ticket in English (JR乗車券/英語表示) |
Hamamatsu Pedal (レンタ・サイクル) Let's enjoy Hamamatsu with a rental bike departing from downtown! |
The whole view of Hamanako-Lake |
TOKUGAWA IEYASU Ieyasu (one of the most famous person in Japanese History) established the Edo Period Rule (1603-1863). He was born in 1572, and spent 17 years at Hamamatsu Castle, from the age of 29 to 45. During this time many famous battles took place. Althogh Ieyasu's 17-year stay at Hamamatsu endures for many difficult years, it did commence 300 years of glorious Tokugawa history. |
Hamamatsu Castle Park (Map&Guide)(incl.Eng) (浜松城公園散策マップ) |
THANKS Most Parts of Refferd and Linked Materials and Maps are from [Hamamatsu City Handbook] etc. |